Mukand Public School, Yamuna Nagar

Education is not preparation for life . Education is life itself.

This is the fully Air-conditioned Co-educational English medium school. Earlier know as Vidayavati Mukand Lal Bal Niketan, renamed as Mukand Public School.

The school runs Pre-Primary (Kinder-Garten) and Primary Classes (I-V) having 532 students on roll, facilitated by a staff of 29 teaching and 7 non-teaching members. The school is equipped with General Science Lab, Computer Lab, Design & Technology Lab, Smart Classrooms, Sports & Meditation Room, Activity Halls, Play Way Area with colourful swings etc. The school focuses on over all development of students to turn them into smart individuals and good human beings. School is the first environment outside the home where a child learns to interact, therefore, has been made as comfortable and friendly as possible.

Learning is measured not only through academic performance but also through the overall success and satisfaction of the individual. Our holistic approach aims to develop children to excel in all aspects of life – socially, psychologically and materially. The methodology promotes cognitive, physical, emotional, social and spiritual growth, thus leading to an education that is complete.